GenX Workshop

Planning for exascale continuum mechanics software

Tuesday 24th - Wednesday 25th November 1400 (UTC+0)

The research being undertaken by the GenX project uses code generation to solve extremely large scale problems in continuum mechanics. Each individual's domain specific knowledge combined with the composability of different software components are leading us towards high performance simulations ready for upcoming exascale hardware.

United Kingdom Research and Innovation will be investing £45m in exascale software over the coming years. They have commissioned 10 working groups to formulate plans for significant software investment over the coming 4 years.

As part of our ongoing research programme the GenX working group are holding a workshop to discuss and attempt to answer some key questions about the future of continuum mechanics and code generation as we approach exascale. This workshop is an opportunity for users and developers of simulation software to have input into the UKRI plans.

Joining the discussion

Both the panel discussion and group discussions will be held online using the Zoom video conferencing software. There is both a desktop application and online version, you can find more information on the Zoom website:

In order to facilitate the group discussions we will be using the online retrium software, you can find more information at the following link:

You can sign up for an account, or just join on the day.

Both the Zoom joining link and Retrium link for the workshop will be sent to the email account you registered with shortly before the workshop, as well as a reminder on the day of the workshop.

Register here

To register please fill in the Google form in order to attend the online workshop.

Register here

If you wish to submit a topic for panel discussion, you can do so via the registration form.


The workshop will take the format of an online panel dicussion with invited panellists. This will be followed by a group discussion on specific topics, with a consolidation to conclude. See the schedule below.


Name Affiliation
Michael Bader TUM
Laura Grigori INRIA Paris
Matt Knepley SUNY Buffalo


We will set out to discuss the following main points:

  • What new science and engineering could exascale continuum mechanics simulation deliver?
  • What component processes do each science or engineering application depend on?
  • What needs to change in each component process to make exascale simulation a reality?

With additional questions and suggestions from other participants.

We are also hoping you will join for a beverage of your chosing after the workshop on Wednesday.

Schedule: Tuesday 24th November

All times shown are UK time (GMT)

Time ... Description
14:00 Introduction Working group and panellists
14:10 Panel discussion
15:40 Break Coffee
16:00 Group discussion New potential in science and engineering
17:00 Close

Schedule: Wednesday 25th November

All times shown are UK time (GMT)

Time ... Description
14:00 Recap
14:10 Group discussion Component processes
15:10 Break Coffee
15:30 Group discussion Required new capabilities
16:30 Consolidation
17:00 Close Casual drinks

Any enquiries email